Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas Party 2010

Creating a new friend. During our party each student got to "build a Husky."
Working together
Ready, Get Set, Stuff!
Everyone hugging their new "Husky Buddy".
Have your ever heard of a Marshmellow Launcher? These girls can tell you all about it.
Our Mrashmellow Launchers made from pvc pipe.
We went out to the playground and shot marshmellows. We also measured how far they flew.
Some recored over 30 feet. Others had to do some fast remodeling.
We shared this science/math project with Mrs. Bagwell's Third Grade Class. We would like to thank them for all their help. We also appreciate the workers at Reeve's Hardware in Azle who cut all the pipes for both classes. Mr. Smith donated funds for our project.

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