Thursday, April 29, 2010

Update on the Worm Farm/Garden

The worms have been busy eating and making compost. Once in a while the kids have to mix up the stuff in the box. They love discovering and finding the worms which tend to be somewhere in the middle and lower portion of the box.
Finding a worm.

They are growing and multiplying. We started with 50 or so and now there are lots more.

This one was a beauty!

This worm shows the bands around the middle.

Here is a picture of some worms and the rich black soil they are producing.

This picture shows the worms working as the newspaper and other foods we've added decomposes.

We planted some tomato plants early in April. We added some of the worm compost around each plant.
Here is a picture of our garden in early April. Since this picture we've planted potatoes which are up and also some garlic and herbs.

This is a brocolli plant from our fall garden.

This pretty cabbage ended up in the worm farm. It will help to make new soil for new plants.

A view inside the worm box.

A close up of the worms and the rich black soil. The first time we harvested the soil we got about 2 cups. On April 21 we took out 60 cups of rich composted soil. We added alot of that to our garden. Those pictures will be posted later and our worm farm will be on display at the WOW Showcase on May 10th at Azle Hight School. Hope to see everyone there!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Pioneer Life Up Close

My grandson Jackson and I visited a place in Dallas this weekend and had a great chance to view some interesting displays on pioneer and Indian life.

Inside the teepe were these different animal skins. Can you identify any of them?

I had Jackson stand near this wagon wheel so we could see just how big a wagon wheel is.

This is a "dug-out" house or a 'sod house'. We talked about this in class. The walls are made of sections of dug up earth. Then is it stacked all together. The roof is made of sections of grass.

Inside the sod house you can see the wall of dirt. It was cool inside the house even though it was hot outside.

This picture shows the door frame set in against the sod and grass roof.

Can you imagine taking a bath in big tub?

This picture was taken inside one of the log houses. All the furniture was made from wood. There were small windows to let in some light.

Here is Jackson outside the log house. He thought it was a great place to explore.

I found this study desk and chair which was built agaainst a wall inside the cabin. Kids had to do their homework back then too.

Jackson found this big book with lots of words and no pictures. We are lucky we have such a good library at school with lots and lots of books for children.

Jackson and I had a fun time together. In the video you can see him plowing the garden. We talked about this in class also. The pioneers had to use a plow before tractors were invented.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Transportation in Our Classroom

We recently studied about different kinds of transportation. We learned about the first attempts at flying by the Wright Brothers. Each student decided on their favorite mode of transportation and we have pictures ranging from skateboard to jet pack. Enjoy their creative designs.